what do we know?
what do we owe?
to this world, to our neighbours, to our lovers and to the people we are yet to meet.
do we owe them the burden of knowing ourselves, of showing ourselves, of showing the secrets you hid beneath your scars, the moments you made yourself forget, the little darkness that creeps up to you at night, the one you tuck away with a lullaby.
or a painkiller
or a sleep that makes you forget your regrets.
when does it stop raining in my town?
every night it thunders and storms
as if the sea was roaring on
the shore, eroding it
but the drops hurt more.
they fall one by one and
stream down,
they burn, they wash.
when do we stop growing and realise that
childhood dreams
were fucking lies. where we learned
to touch the sky and
as we grew tall
we grew breathless.
we detract from the dreams
call them delusions and
drug our systems to dream once more.
living nightmares and injecting dreams:
when do we sleep as if there was no tomorrow, no yesterday- just the moment.
when do we let go
when do we love
when do we hold on to hope
not because our hands are made to grip
but because our eyes find comfort in dying flames.
when do we stop staring
at our reflections while walking
when do we stop tracing our shadows as if they were our
charcoal written broken promises.
broken strings
broken tars
broken hearts.
when do we know we
always end up running in circles
as if the other shapes were non existent
as if we know we are destined to relive our horrors
as if the world is a metaphor that running away
gets you back to the same places.
when will we realise
to live and to die is the same
except in one, we feel nothing
and in the other we’re dead.
when do we realise we ask questions
we don't know the answers to
not because we are incapable of thinking
but because once we start.
we don’t stop.