disappointment is a dose of
lost expectations that persist
to be unfulfilled.
like a painlessly uprooted bud
kept in a jar full of sunlight and water,
whilst meant to fight for breath,
for air, for growth, for love, for care,
it show'th none of the ones meant to be seen.
it show'th a constant phobia of being alive,
and when forced to overcome, it unressurects
a repeated death.
no improvement.
for the other daisies that bloom
upon rainbows in a snowstorm,
disappointment is a bouquet of
rain and sun
in different timezones.
disappointment is a blinded soul
that tries to see the world from a different view,
an unheard voice of a deaf mute,
an unspoken lament of a dumb quiver,
but in vain, a failure of desires.
a failure of forfeiture,
a debacle of resignation
disappointment, in all forms
is granulated salt rubbed on wounded flesh,
a truce between
hopeless denial and unknown repentance.