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Following your dreams

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm only one."

-John Lennon, Imagine.

The thing about dreaming is that you either give it all you got, or not do it at all.

Following your dreams is one of the hardest and riskiest things one can do, but at the same time it's conversion from being just a dream to reality... That feeling of accomplishment, that delirium... It's worth it. But following your dreams isn't as easy as it sounds. Your motives and ideas will constantly be questioned, dissuaded, disparaged: but you must remember- no one should be able to make you stop dreaming.

Having a passion, and actually working on that passion are two completely different things. To those who choose to not work on it aren't fools- but they aren't the gutsy ones either. They aren't the ones who work all day, and sleep with a smile one their face.

What I mean by all of this... We all should follow our dreams. If people didn't follow their dream, we wouldn't have a Shakespeare, a Sachin Tendulkar. an Audrey Hepburn.

Personally, I have fought for my dreams, and I know I won't pursue them in my near future, but I love them too much to let them remain dreams.

-"Here's to the one's that dream, foolish as they may seem"


xV Writing

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