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my moon

my moon

i want you to be my moon.

i want to see you rise and fall in the night.

i want to see your best and your worst,

your good and bad.

the days when you’re full

and the days where you shrink into a crescent.

i want to grow with you

and rest upon your shoulder

and make the stars shine brighter.

i want to hold your hand and tell you

your scars are beautiful

for i love my moon

in all it’s glory.

i want to see you on the tides

i want to see you when you’re not visible.

i want everything,

but i don’t want to lose you.

for a night without my moon

is just darkness

without hope.

my moon,

however inconstant you are,

i wait for you at night

and hope you wait for me too

and stare at the moon.

for it unites us.


xV Writing

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