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we decide to go to the beach

and float in the sea

and soak in the sun

through the lens of the wave

and catch glimpses of the rays

as refracted dreams.

the salt tickles our wounds

but holding your hand makes the pain go away

and our skin burns

leaving bruises of memories

once called nostalgia

and now just remains of the past.

I put my foot down

and count the waves undefeated

I refuse to move until the moon shines above us

my heels bury our secrets

and i think to myself

that this will last.

we promised each other that we’d build sandcastles

our little fortress

with tiny gates

and promises of a future.

i guess we left the beach before we dug the sand

left before the tides could wash our embraces

left before the hues of the sun set washed us

left before the moonshine drowned our kiss

left before the lighthouse candle passed away

left in time to let

unfulfilled promises

run their course.

before the dirt in our fingers would reach too deep.

unmade sandcastles on a sunny day.


xV Writing

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