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The sun, the sand, the solitude?

Updated: May 5, 2019

We live in a world where we have the power and the ability to convert the good into bad. This power is an absolute misuse of our rights and our privileges, and we shouldn't be using it; but who can stop a man from eating a forbidden fruit... Every 'step' we take impacts our world. Negatively.  Recently, I was walking down a beach, and I saw 3 things.

The sand. The sunset. The Solitude.

By this I mean, in the sand there was a complex, intricate, non-biodegradable fish net. The sea had ripples of an aftermath of a recent oil-spill, and the sun resigned in it's lost glory. If we, as human, have the capability of ruining nature's most prestigious gift; we also have the willpower of  undoing our footsteps and walking a different route. A route known as RESPONSIBILITY. We need to learn how to make sure our footprints don't mould our Earth's grave.

Because if not for the these elements: the sand, or the sun, we will live in a world full of solitude.


xV Writing

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