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when i say, what i mean, what you do

when i say, colour me bright

i mean use your crayons to landscape vibrance.

but you smoke my lungs, and filter my verdance

in gray skyscraper dullness.

when i say, eat my fruit,

i mean enjoy a delicacy,

not barren my soul:

a gluttony i cannot behold.

when i say, use me carefully

i mean use me. but let me live

but you kill me the very instant

i give you a consented nod.

when i say, fill my void, my emptiness,

i mean render it with love and hope,

but you distend it with scourings of debrised carrion offal.

i try to let it weave close my broken shards of hope.

when i say, celebrate my species,

i mean, give them a chance to live in my world,

but you find a way to integrate a recipe for death,

and serve it at your luncheon.

when i say, live and let live,

i mean co-existence

but you shoot me where it hurts most:



xV Writing

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