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wired earphones

wired earphones

we’re sitting together.

listening to our music

our symphony.

our rhythm.

and you ask me what does “falling in love” mean.

i hold your hand and tell you

it means the stars

the sea

the rain

every beautiful thing known to mankind.

but i lie.

because you every thing is beautiful anyway.

we might appreciate the beauty together, yes.

but falling in love means the small things.

it means listening to talk about my darkest self at 4AM.

but it also means

waking up at 7:30 and listen to me talk about the stupidest of things.

falling in love means going on all those dates, where i open doors for you,

and we pick each other up.

but it also means not telling me i have milk on my face after we compete in a milk drinking competition.

falling in love means making you my priority,

yes. but falling in love also means taking a back seat when you have too much on that mind of yours.

falling in love is wiping your tears, yes.

but falling in love is also crying together when mufasa dies.

falling in love is talking to you 24/7,

but it also is not talking to you for sometime and knowing you’re still in my mind

falling in love means travelling the world whilst holding your hands yes,

but it also means using wired earphones instead of bluetooth.

you see, id do anything to keep you close to me.

because sitting in a bus,

and holding your hands is not enough.

because falling asleep to the rhythm of your heartbeat

with a small smile on my face

tangling the earphones more so that we’re closer...

that’s falling in love.


xV Writing

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